20 September 2009

My Experience as an Intern at RWL (now known as RWY) - Sarah Kate Lee

It is September and I have taken my beginning steps with the CLP (Certificate of Legal Practice). It has been quite a journey to reach this juncture and as I reflect, I would not be here if not for bridges that facilitated my crossing over to this side.

One salient bridge would be my experience of working at Richard Wee Lopez (RWL) under their internship program. I began working there as an intern right after my final LLB papers while waiting for my results. At that point, I had completed three years of LLB studies but my knowledge of legal practice was rather limited.

This took a quick turn as the partners at RWL showed me the workings of a lawyer and the legal system. It began with Mr. Richard showing me the ropes and explaining certain important practices and ethics that a lawyer should have. This, I think, set a good foundation as I had a good perspective on what practice was about and what a lawyer should strive to achieve.

With that, I started reading files and I learnt how to do clerical work. This added to my understanding of the legal system and as I study the Civil Procedure and the Criminal Procedure Code now, I am glad I interned at RWL as I have a practical insight to the theoretical matter that I am currently studying.

In a fast paced month I learned how to analyze files and then write accordingly to clients, draft letters of demand, write letters to the Court (such as a mention on behalf), prepare status reports, prepare billings, and so on.

I also did a fair amount of research on areas of law when we were preparing for a case. I liked how Mr. Richard involved us interns in the case by discussing our research and explaining the importance of a relevant case law or statute. This helped me to see the big picture of what practice is. Furthermore, it was exciting to follow Mr. Richard to Court especially when I’d contributed research or written letters to the Court. It gave me a feeling or ownership towards the case.

To summarize, I think that Mr. Richard’s dedication to mentor us went a long way in the learning and emulating process for me. At any point if I was unsure about what I was doing, I felt free to ask him if, for example, the letter I was drafting was in line with the objective.

It was also helpful that I could ask Mr. Sunil about matters of civil litigation and Ms. Karen about corporate matters and conveyancing.

Apart from the impartation of legal and practical knowledge, the partners at RWL have shown me what it is to be a practicing lawyer and I have their example to follow. I am grateful for having the opportunity to intern at the firm. Thank you for all the good times, meals, and insightful conversations that we shared. I am glad I made the choice to intern here as it has prepared me for the CLP and I will strive to be a better person and lawyer in the future with this good foundation.

By: Sarah Kate Lee

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